New Year's Resolutions You Won't Break

New Year's Resolutions You Won't Break

Did you make so many amazing resolutions this year… and already break half of them?! Many of us find ourselves making huge promises at the shiny new year but can’t stay motivated once we return to our normal routine. That’s why this year, with everything going on in the world, we thought it might be better to set some achievable goals. Instead of promising “New Year, New Me,” maybe we cut ourselves a little slack and focus on the little things we can improve.


Replace a guilty pleasure with a healthy one

We all have those things in our life that have gone from guilty pleasure to habit, especially as many of us try to cope with the stresses of the last couple of years. So, instead of just doing something because it has become a habit, switch it up with something that is better for you. Like eating an apple instead of those M&Ms for an afternoon snack or reading a book instead of crashing in front of the TV.


Be more mindful

Have you ever driven home and not realized how you got there? We all have, we spend so much of our days existing and reacting negatively to the things around us that do catch our attention. In 2022, let’s try being purposeful with our actions. Instead of sitting in rush hour traffic annoyed, thinking of everything we would rather be doing, try listening to an audiobook or podcast. Maybe use that time to catch up with a friend? Just making these small changes will make you more present and in control of your day.


Drink from your own reusable water bottle

Did you promise yourself that you would be more eco-friendly this year? Have you found it harder than you thought? Instead of changing everything in your life to be greener, take baby steps. At the store, buy locally if you can, or have one vegetarian meal a week. Try to remember that reusable water bottle instead of buying a plastic one. These small choices can make an impact without making you feel frustrated and inconvenienced.


Make time for things you love

If you enjoy cooking, make time to do that at least once a week. Go to the movies more often or pick up that paint brush. It’s tempting to spend our free time sitting on our couch watching Netflix because we are so burned out. But, just giving yourself an hour or two to embrace a hobby you love could make a difference by recharging you and increasing your positive head space. Try to use your limited free time doing things that fill your cup, and you might find you feel better about things and are more productive.

At Engage, our goal is to make things as easy as possible, so our members don’t have to spend their free time dealing with ordering office supplies, fixing broken printers, or trying to figure out what internet company to go with. We worry about those things so the attorneys who office with us don’t have to.

Engage Workspace for Lawyers is an office space for lawyers built by lawyers. Unlike other coworking spaces, Engage charges a flat monthly rate for access to a full suite of resources and limits membership to a community of lawyers. If you are looking for law office space where you can focus on your practice and be surrounded by great colleagues, please contact us or book a tour.

© Elysium Consulting LLC dba Engage Workspace for Lawyers.  2018-2023.  Represented by intellectual property law firm, Klemchuk PLLC. 


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