How to Make Your Office Space More Productive

How to Make Your Office Space More Productive

While nothing will ever beat the comfort of sitting in your recliner with your laptop open at home, here are a few tricks to make your office space a bit more appealing.

Add Some Greenery

Many studies have shown that adding greenery to an office space helps boost productivity, decrease stress levels, and promote creativity. Some of the best plants to add include a Peace Lily, ZZ Plant, Dwarf Umbrella Tree, and Philodendron. All of these require little nurture and care and minimal sunlight, making them a low-maintenance addition to your office.

Stay Organized

Organization is key to keeping a clear and focused mind while at the office and some of the best ways to do that is through the use of a written calendar and labeling system. While online calendars are easily accessible, they are easily cluttered and require an internet connection at all times to update. A physical calendar allows you to look over events on a weekly or monthly basis and can be updated instantly. In addition, a labeling system for folders, cabinets, or shelf space is a great way to keep your space decluttered and organized for a more productive office day.

Let There Be Light

Any workspace or office needs light, with researchers explaining that proper lighting helps with functionality and mental awareness. While nothing will ever beat the natural effects of sunshine and Vitamin D, here are some options to help make your workspace a bit lighter. A sunset lamp is a great option for any space, with six different color options that can be projected up against the wall at any time of day. The use of LED lights helps soothe the mind and is easier on the eyes. Another option is a Day Lamp, which has adjustable light output and is free of harsh UV rays. Whatever you choose to light up your space, stay away from dim or fluorescent lighting and choose LED lights with warm tones if possible.


Engage Workspace for Lawyers is an office space for lawyers built by lawyers. Unlike other coworking spaces, Engage charges a flat monthly rate for access to a full suite of resources and limits membership to a community of lawyers. If you are looking for law office space where you can focus on your practice and be surrounded by great colleagues, please contact us or book a tour.

© Elysium Consulting LLC dba Engage Workspace for Lawyers.  2018-2023.  Represented by intellectual property law firm, Klemchuk PLLC. 


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